18 thoughts on “Robin Gerald, 1949-2013

  1. Jeremy Pollack

    I’ve been coming down to the outer banks for over 30 years… mostly to the quietness of Dory Road. There I met Robin one afternoon, just enough to say a peaceful hello. I saw then that Robin preferred to have his own space, so I didn’t intrude. I did however see things Michael had written on-line, so felt connected just a bit. See I too have such a relationship with a water borne soul, so in this I now acknowledge Robin’s passing… peacefully, quietly, at home. RIP Robin… RIP.

    The Waking… by Theodore Roethke

    I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
    I feel my fate in what I cannot fear.
    I learn by going where I have to go.

    We think by feeling. What is there to know?
    I hear my being dance from ear to ear.
    I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.

    Of those so close beside me, which are you?
    God bless the Ground! I shall walk softly there,
    And learn by going where I have to go.

    Light takes the Tree; but who can tell us how?
    The lowly worm climbs up a winding stair;
    I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.

    Great Nature has another thing to do
    To you and me; so take the lively air,
    And, lovely, learn by going where to go.

    This shaking keeps me steady. I should know.
    What falls away is always. And is near.
    I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
    I learn by going where I have to go.

  2. Kristin & Mark

    Oh, Michael, we are so sorry to hear about your friend. Denise’s mom told us how sick he was. Please know you both are in our thoughts and prayers at such a difficult time. May you be comforted by warm memories. We remember all those stories you told of your first days on the island, and how important your friendship with Robin was…love and hugs from your family in Ohio. Kristin & Mark

  3. Denise Smith

    With a tear in my eye I say goodbye to a friend. The memories I have of Robin are forever etched in my mind. Long trips down the beach in that ratty old pickup of his, sitting on his front porch (the one next to Mac’s) and just laughing and living…He was a good man with a good soul and although I haven’t seen him in way too long, I feel the loss. It feels like yesterday…RIP my friend ~ Denise

  4. Jo M.

    I am filled with sadness, not for Robin, but for all his friends that he left behind. My prayers and thoughts are with all of you.
    Jo Murray (Denise’s mom)

  5. joe alleva

    I remember surfing with Robin in the early 80’s. I was one of the crew from KDH that would come down regularly to catch the kind. We would buy groceries from Mildred and Mariland and Mac would tow your truck for parking…LOL! Two things I will always remember Robin for.. he rode a clear gun maybe about 7’6″ and he would always KNEEPADDLE, and the fact that he was always nice to us guys even though we invaded on a regular basis. Always ready to impart some local insight on just about everything while just being a good old boy. Nice guy. Sorry for your loss.Rest in peace Robin.

  6. Cheryl

    Michael, this is such a lovely tribute to Robin. As I read the words you wrote, I vividly see the two of you and the joy you shared with one another. A true friend is a gift and I know you were that for each other. Thank you for sharing these stories.

  7. Sophie

    Dear Michael,

    Thanks for such a nice tribute to Robin. You just brought him to life for me with this. I feel so far away and wish I could be closer to share these hard times with you all. True friends are rare in this world and I understand your sadness. Take care.

  8. Jan

    Hey Mike–

    Thanks so much for posting these photos and stories. I love remembering the old times, when he was so vibrant, mischievous, and adventurous. Those of us who watched him grow ill and deteriorate need these memories! Love, Jan

  9. Leslie Lanier

    This is so beautiful. I feel so honored to have known Robin even a little bit. He always, always made me smile. He came down to Ocracoke with Denise a couple of weeks before he passed away. I am so thankful that he & I got to sit down on my porch and talk awhile. Much love to you and Denise.
    Leslie Lanier, Books to be Red

  10. Jennifer Janssen

    Thank you so much for the entire photoblog. I hope you and Denise are holding up. He was your brother Mike and paid a beautiful tribute to him. Very touching.

  11. carlen pearl

    Hey Mike (and Denise), I was so sad to hear about Robin. What a legend he was.. What great memories!!! I know Carrie was waiting with open arms…. Thank you for the awesome pictures… I was even able to laugh a bit.

  12. Steve Lewis

    So sorry, Michael. Your deeply moving tribute for such a unique soul as Robin reminded me of this John Updike poem:

    Perfection Wasted

    And another regrettable thing about death
    is the ceasing of your own brand of magic,
    which took a whole life to develop and market —
    the quips, the witticisms, the slant
    adjusted to a few, those loved ones nearest
    the lip of the stage, their soft faces blanched
    in the footlight glow, their laughter close to tears,
    their tears confused with their diamond earrings,
    their warm pooled breath in and out with your heartbeat,
    their response and your performance twinned.
    The jokes over the phone. The memories packed
    in the rapid-access file. The whole act.
    Who will do it again? That’s it: no one;
    imitators and descendants aren’t the same.

  13. Polly Moffatt

    We met Robin in the late 1980s at Salvo. We were truly saddened when we heard about his passing. I have many wonderful memories of him – he religiously wrapped my 2 Sago Palms in burlap every winter, when he closed our house for the winter. I now how 2 big, beautiful plants and I think of Robin every time I pass them. What a gentle spirit. Thanks for posting this memorial.

  14. John Rayfield

    Thank you Michael for your loving tribute to Robin. I was moved to tears knowing I will not see Robin walk in to our beach house beer in hand for our yearly Keeling Clan meetup. personally I`ll miss my connection in spirit with a man who loved the Earth and the ocean and who`s life reflected his love. Feel blessed to have been able to say goodbye to him last Month. Aloha Bra.

  15. Scooter Raynor

    As a kid from Kitty Hawk, Robin was a friendly voice and face in the Rodanthe lineup.
    When I was 23, I moved to Rodanthe for couple years. Robin became a friend. His expierience and wisdom were always welcome. The story’s he told were the best, one still is vivid in my mind. He told me the story over beers on the beach at Salvo one summer day, I gutted laughed harder than I ever had in my life, to this day when I think about that story, I laugh hard. The world has lost a unique and good person. It was an honor knowing you Robin!

  16. Todd Phillips

    Fortunate to have a friend and chronological keeper such as yourself. We should all be as blessed as Robin. Born at the right time and keeping the best company. Great job Michael. ALOHA Robin.

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